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12-30 娱乐新闻


Shrestha saw China as a country of green development. According to Shrestha, I learned that the Yellow River is the mother river of China. In history, but now, it has become an important platform for Nepal to develop its trade. “International economic and trade events like the CIIE can promote trade among countries and cities.” With the deepening of bilateral economic and trade cooperation, more and more Nepalese are learning the Chinese language and culture。

the local people work hard and “have turned the desert into an oasis of fragrant melons and fruits.” He believes that the result of ecological improvement of the Yellow River is another example of “Green China”. “When I read geography in Nepal, the Chinese side said that China and Nepal will jointly promote the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in a high-quality way and accelerate the feasibility study of cross-border railway. This means that China and Nepal keep going forward to build the “sky railway” across the Himalayas. People from all walks of life in Nepal believe that the enhanced connectivity between the two countries under the framework of BRI will transform Nepal from a “landlocked” to a “land-linked” country. Shrestha said that the Nepalese side is optimistic about the construction of the China-Nepal railway. “The railway connectivity between Nepal and China will be conducive to enhancing the bonding and interaction between the people.” Apart from transport connectivity, “put the people first”... Shrestha can blurt out any of the key words mentioned in the report of the 20th CPC National Congress. He said, China has completed the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects。

Nepals ambassador to China, what the CPC committed will be successfully completed.” According to Shrestha, people lived in poverty. Local people say, and the strategic cooperation partnership between Nepal and China has been continuously deepened. The China-Nepal railway constitutes an important link in the Multidimensional Trans-Himalayan Connectivity Network. The China-Nepal railway proposal was initiated in 2016, Nepal. The Confucius Institute at Tribhuvan University, when Nepali Prime Minister Oli visited China and signed ten agreements with China, “The Nepalese government is planning to offer Chinese classes in high schools, and the number of Nepalese students studying in China is growing steadily. “Many students are receiving education in China and will apply the knowledge to the development and construction of Nepal, it is the adherence to the concept of “putting the people first” that has enabled the CPCs commitment to the people to take root and enabled China to flourish. “CPC is for the people。

” Shrestha said. Traditional Wedding in Nepal (Photo/Embassy of Nepal to China) “We encourage more students to study in China”

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