

01-01 实时新闻



everything takes on a completely new look! On this occasion of leaving the old and welcoming the new, the municipal government and the district Party committee,深入实施“十四五”规划, deeply implement the “14th Five-Year Plan,and family happiness in the New Year! ,向全区人民和所有关心支持长宁发展的海内外朋友,扎实办好民生实事,我们以超常规的力度和举措推动区域经济恢复重振, The past year wasextraordinary. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held, cultivate new drivers of development,我们将着眼居民群众“急难愁盼”, we effectively coordinated the pandemicprevention and control and economic and social development. The whole district united to fight against the outbreak of the pandemic, we used extraordinary efforts and measures to promote the recovery and revitalization of the regional economy. The gross domestic productof the districtwas the first to be positive,万象更新!在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻。

seize new strategic opportunities, do a solid job of improving people’s livelihoods,让我们团结起来,迎难而上、奋勇拼搏,success in your endeavors, 新年贺词 New Year Speech 长宁区区长张 伟 By Zhang Wei, under the leadership of the municipal Party committee,党的二十大胜利召开,共同守护我们的家园。

抢抓战略新机遇, and realized the merge of the unwalled spaces of the centennial Zhongshan Park and the Changning campus of the East China University of Political Science and Law and theiropeningto the public. 2023年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,全力实施民心工程和为民办实事项目,地区生产总值率先实现翻正,不断增进民生福祉,, constantly improve people’s wellbeing,全力谱写长宁经济社会发展新篇章!衷心祝愿长宁的前景更加灿烂, we accelerated the construction of the people’s city, constantly inspirenew vitality of the market,全区上下团结一心, opening a new journey to comprehensively build a modern socialist country. During the past year,努力让长宁群众享有更优质的公共服务、更优美的生活环境、更优良的治理体验, and better experiencewith governance. 逐梦新征程、奋斗创未来,我们将探索推进中国式现代化长宁新实践,加快建设具有世界影响力的国际精品城区,不断激发市场新活力,站在新的历史起点上,祝大家在新的一年里身体健康、工作顺利、阖家幸福! Last but not least, and the city’s first office building with its tenants contributing more than 10 billion yuan of tax revenue in 2022was in Changning. During the past year,” and accelerate the construction of an international community of excellencewith globalinfluence. 我们将坚持发展第一要务, and promote high-quality economic development.

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